Benefits of such type activities:
Changing in the school environment:- Most government primary school student belongs to poor families. Such type of support helps to create an environment like a private public school. This will encourage the teacher to provide better and quality education.
Improvement of attendance:- We found that many schools’ attendance raises remarkably many of them were female students earlier avoided going to school due to the unavailability of separate toilets. Separate toilets for boys and girls and placing dustbins in the bathrooms are likely to develop girl’s confidence.
Sitting Furniture: – Earlier many students avoided school in the winter season because they had to sit on the floor but now many schools have benches and tables for students which also increases the strength of students.
Outcome of activity:-Promote student and guardian for education. Develop a safe environment and students learn the primary need for sanitation & hygiene. Increase attendance in the summer as well as the winter season. Promote girls students. Enrollment and completion rates of girls in primary school have improved and are catching up with those of boys